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Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.
Зона відчуження Чорнобильської
Ukraine, 2018.
Chernobyl. I heard this name on TV when I was 13 years old. Without understanding. As Nobel Laureate for Literature Svetlana Alexievich recounts in her book The supplication , what happened in Chernobyl in 1986 was "beyond the war". A completely unique event in the history of mankind, there can be no debate about it.
I am offering you here a long photographic series as a testimony, on this military exclusion zone. Between the small town of Chernobyl, the power plant under its new sarcophagus that shines in the sun, the abandoned town of Pripyat, the surrounding villages and this incredible giant radar planted in the middle of nowhere. I know that I stayed on the surface of things, on this invisible that we think we perceive. I'll be back. I would like to see the men.
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