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Released: October 2014

Editions Tamyras (Beirut, Lebanon)

in partnership with Beirut Prints

304 pages

22cm x 33cm

ISBN: 978-2360860616

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Editorial design: David Hury

Graphics: David Hury for Beirut Prints

Summer 2013. I listen to The Joshua Tree by U2. One song catches my eye: Where The Streets Have No Name . I tell myself that this could be the motto of Beirut ... I then take the design of the Beirut Prints photo collective to write this sentence on a blue background. I "create" about twenty others, drawing from the films, books and songs that I love. The idea: take a known quote (or not), replace a word with Beirut.

Fall 2013. A friend suggests that I participate in the Beirut Book Fair. I set up a stand there where, for 10 days, visitors - simple passers-by, authors, officials, children ... - come to write a sentence about Beirut on a paper wall . The result is incredible.

The Beirut Book.

Été 2013. J'écoute The Joshua Tree de U2. Une chanson attire mon attention: Where The Streets Have No Name. Je me dis que cela pourrait être la devise de Beyrouth... Je reprends alors le design du logo du collectif photo Beirut Prints pour écrire cette phrase sur fond bleu. J'en "crée" une vingtaine d'autres, piochant dans les films, les livres et les chansons que j'aime. L'idée: prendre une citation connue (ou non), remplacer un mot par Beyrouth. 

Automne 2013. Un ami me propose de participer au Salon du livre de Beyrouth. J'y installe un stand où, durant 10 jours, les visiteurs – simples passants, auteurs, officiels, enfants... – viennent écrire une phrase sur Beyrouth sur un mur de papier. Le résultat est incroyable.

logo beirut prints.png
Installation de David Hury à l'origine de The Beirut Book

Spring 2014. I am starting the model of what will become The Beirut Book . I select the sentences, create new ones ... I talk about it to the Tamyras publishing house which had a stand near mine during the show. The boss, Tania Hadjithomas-Mehanna, is enthusiastic. The idea materializes.

Summer 2014. I ask for help around me. Designer Céline Khairallah creates Arabic phrases for this project as well as typography to stage them. Singer Eileen Khatchadourian digs into Armenian culture and offers me a few phrases in Armenian. Other little hands come to help, for proofreading, correction, translation ... The model is finalized in September.

Fall 2014. Head to the printing house at the beginning of October. Then launch on Sunday November 2 the Beirut Book Fair, on the Tamyras stand.

To know more

Article on OnOrient (Mediterranean)

Feature in Soura Magazine (Dubai)

Interview on TV5 Monde (Paris)

Article in L'Hebdo Magazine (Beirut)

Article in L'Agenda Culturel (Beirut)

Interview on Beirut Bazar (Beirut)

Slideshow on (Paris)

Post on Scene Beirut (Beirut)

Post on Bananapook (Beirut)

Post on Beirut NTSC (Beirut)
Interview on MTV (Beirut)

Interview on France Inter (Paris)
Interview on Tamyras (Beirut)
Interview on Radio Liban (Beirut)

All about Beirut Prints (Beirut)

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